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How can we protect a worksheet in WPS Spreadsheets
Uploaded time: August 27, 2021 Difficulty Beginner
How can we protect a worksheet in WPS Spreadsheets

How can we protect a worksheet in WPS Spreadsheets
Do you know how to lock cells in WPS Spreadsheet so that they cannot be modified by others?
Take this table as an example.
1. Click theReview tab.
2. When finding that the Lock Cell button is gray, it means that the entire table is now locked.At this point, click Protect Sheet.
3. Checkthe Select Locked cells and Select Unlocked Cells options in the pop-up dialog box.
4. Enter a password and clickOKto confirm. Then we will find that the form cannot be edited.
What needs to be aware of is that Lock Cell and Protect Sheetcan not be usedindepently. We need to use the Lock Cell to confirm the locked area, before using the Protect Sheetfunction. In this way, we can protect the worksheet. It can make our work easier with WPS Spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel.
How can we cancel the protection?
1. ClickUnprotect Sheet.
2. Enter the correct password, and click OK.
In addition to the Lock Functionfunction, WPS also provides other types of permissions for users to choose, such as theInsert Columnsfunction. By checking this option, we can insert columns into the locked sheet based on our needs.
Here is another situation at workplace. When setting the editing permissionfor users, theUse AutoFilteroption might have already checked. Even so, you still don't have the permission to filter the data.Here are the steps to solve this problem.
1. Select the cell range.
2. Open Autofilter,and then click Protect Sheet.
3. Check the box of Use AutoFilter.
In this way,you would gain the permission to filter the data.
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