How to efficiently sort and filter data part
Uploaded time: August 17, 2022 Difficulty Beginner
How to efficiently sort and filter data part

How to efficiently sort and filter data part
In this lesson, we've learned AutoSort and FIlter, two functions to help us organize and select data.
1. About AutoSort
- The rules of sorting are very simple, generally in Ascending or Descending according to numerical and alphabetical order. Select the needed cell area, click the Home tab> Sort so that you can sort the data in the cells.
Moreover, we can set single-conditional sorting or multi-conditional sorting and even create our own special sorting rules.
2. About AutoFilter
- We've learned how to filter the number, text, date, and cell color. Select the cell area, click the Home tab > AutoFilter, then click the green arrow of the header row to set the filter rules.
- Except for the basic filter, you can also select the “Advanced Filter”, which is more powerful and can be set depending on conditions are satisfied at the same time or conditions are partially satisfied; still, if you want to filter for unique items, make use of this function.
PS:Compared to other office software, WPS Spreadsheet provides the analysis function while filtering. It supports inserting filtering results into table with one click, which makes the data look more clear.
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