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How to use the page break preview feature
Uploaded time: August 26, 2021 Difficulty Beginner
How to use the page break preview feature

How to use the page break preview feature
When you need to print a table at work, sometimes you may find that the table cannot be printed on one page. And also when you need to output a table as a PDF file, it sometimes will be divided into several pages. In this case, you can use the Page Break Previewfeature of Spreadsheet. It can help you to preview the paging area.
Take this table as an example.Click theViewtab of the tab feature panel and then thePage Break Previewbutton.In this page break preview interface, you can see the dividing lines around the table and the number of showed pages.The content within the blue dividing lines of the page break preview can be exported and printed.The content outside the blue dividing lines of the page break preview cannot be exported and printed.
Now if we use the mouse to drag the dividing lines, we can better adjust the display area of each page.
For example, now we want to print these four pages of the table on one page.Drag the horizontal and vertical blue dividing lines to the right and the bottom respectively. In this way, the contents of the four-page table can be printed on one page.
If we want to divide this table into two pages, just place the mouse on the row where you want to break. Select the entire row in the WPS Spreadsheet, and then click theInsert Page Breakdrop-down button in thePage Layouttab to divide the one-page table into two pages.
Moreover, If we want to include the title on every page, we can click thePrint Titlebutton in thePage Layouttab, and find Rows to repeat at top in the pop-upPage Setupdialog box. All we need to do is to enter the row of the title that needs to be printed repetitively. Then click thePrint Previewbutton below to preview the set effect.
What a practical feature! Easy your work with WPS Spreadsheet like Microsoft Excel. Did you get it?
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