Line Charts and Area Charts
Uploaded time: August 17, 2022 Difficulty Beginner
Line Charts and Area Charts

Line Charts and Area Charts
In this lesson, we've introduced the basic use of line chart and area chart.
Essentially there is no difference between a line chart and an area chart, they both do a good job of displaying data trends over a specified time period. If you want to show the stacking effect, an area chart would be more appropriate.
1. How can we make the Line chart and Area chart work together?
- What if the amount of data is too small that there is only one line on the Line chart? Try to combine the line chart and Area chart together, the steps are as follows: Select the data, create a line chart, click Select Data, repeat to add the data area just selected, and then click Change Chart Type. There are 2 data series in Combo, select Line for one and Area for the other.
In this way, a combined chart is successfully created. Finally, choose the right color scheme and effect for the chart to make it more advanced.
2. How to display two sets of data with different dimensions in one chart at the same time?
- We often need to show two sets of data with different dimensions in one chart, and the most commonly used combination chart is “line + bar” chart.
- When the units of two data sets are not the same, remember to check the secondary axis for one of the data series, or the combo chart may get into trouble.
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