Pie Charts and Sparklines
Uploaded time: August 17, 2022 Difficulty Beginner
Pie Charts and Sparklines

Pie Charts and Sparklines
In this lesson, we've introduced two types of charts, the pie chart and sparklines
- Pie charts are suitable for displaying data proportions, and data labels play an important part in it. Clicking the data labels options in the right-hand menu allows us to format data labels.
- The combo of pie charts and doughnut charts can display complex data. A chart with too many colors should be avoided. We can choose the tone on tone, and make the color scheme look more comfortable by adjusting the saturation of the color.
- Sparkline is a handy chart type. Line, column, and win/loss are the three types of sparkline available in WPS. They are all easy to set and are the perfect choice if you don't have a lot of time to make a chart.
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