2240 results for how to insert footnote in powerpoint
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2240 results for how to insert footnote in powerpoint
How to insert pictures in Document
02:05How to insert pictures in Document
When we are using WPS Document, we often encounter situations where we need to insert pictures into the document. So, how can we insert pictures and set images in the Document? Take this speech draft as an example.1. Click the Insert button on the tab of the upper side of the screen.2. Then select the drop-down button of Picture.3. Click From File in the popup window.4. Select the image you want to insert, and click Open. We can now see that the picture is inserted into the document su....
How to insert attachments in WPS presentation
01:07How to insert attachments in WPS presentation
When editing slides, to explain the content more specifically, we sometimes need to add related attachments to the slides. We can use the Insert Attachments feature to directly open the attached files in the slides to avoid switching pages frequently during a presentation. So how can we do that? Take this work report as an example. To better enumerate the work completed in August, we can insert the WPS Spreadsheet attachment in the slide.1. Click the Insert tab, then click the File Obj....
How to insert video in WPS Presentation
01:07How to insert video in WPS Presentation
When making slides, we can make the presentation look more professional by inserting video adequately in slides. So how can we insert videos?Take these slides as an example. Click the Insert tab above, and then click Movie. Here, we can choose Local Video or Link Localvideo. The main difference between them is the way of saving the video files.Please note that: if we choose Link Localvideo to insert a video, once we send the slides to other devices, WPS Presentation may not be able to ....
How to insert shapes in WPS Presentation
02:04How to insert shapes in WPS Presentation
Shapes inserted in slides could make a presentation more attractive. How can we insert shapes in a presentation document? First, click the Insert tab, and click the Shapes button. In the selection list, we can see that there are different categories, namely Lines, Rectangles, and Basic Shapes, Block Arrows, Equation Shapes, Flowchart, Stars and Banners, Callouts, and an Action button. Here we take the shape of Heart, which could be found in the Basic Shapes drop-down list. Insert it by....
How to insert envelopes in WPS Writer
02:30How to insert envelopes in WPS Writer
Large enterprises will make envelopes with company addresses printed on them and mail documents to cooperative partners. If you are the HR of an enterprise, do you know how to make and print envelopes in WPS Writer? The steps are as follows:1. Insert envelopes into the word document.2. Click the Insert tab, and click the Envelopes button to pop up a dialog.3. Input the corresponding address in the Delivery address and Return Address text boxes. If we don't require the return lette....
How to insert comments in WPS Presentation
01:41How to insert comments in WPS Presentation
When using WPS Presentation, we can use the Comment feature to help us check the suggestions more intuitively. Also, this feature will not affect or modify the original content of the file. So how can we insert comments? Take these slides as an example. If we want to insert a comment on the first slide, click the Review tab above, and then click New Comment. At this time, a comment editing box will pop up in the upper left corner of the slide. Here, we can enter the comment content. Us....
How to insert shapes in a worksheet
01:20How to insert shapes in a worksheet
We can insert shapes into a worksheet with WPS Spreadsheet. For example, we can insert shapes as background into the four cells. This operation will emphasize the content in the corresponding cells. How can we realize it? Get into the Insert tab, and click the Shapes dropdown button. Then choose a shape that you want in the dropdown menu. In this example. we choose the Rounded Rectangle button. As you can see, the cursor turns into a cross + symbol. We can use it to draw a shape where....
How to insert equations in WPS Presentation
01:54How to insert equations in WPS Presentation
You will be the amazing reporter with WPS Presentation, which could be an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint. Mathematical equations contain a variety of number formats like symbols, scores, root numbers, and so on. It is difficult for us to enter these equations with the input method. However, with the Equation function in WPS Presentation, inserting mathematical equations will no longer be a problem. Click the Insert tab at the top of the screen, then click the Equation button. Here....