1400 results for wps office free download for windows 10 64 bit filehippo
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1400 results for wps office free download for windows 10 64 bit filehippo
Text direction in WPS Presentation
02:34Text direction in WPS Presentation
When inputting text in WPS Presentation, we find the text is horizontal by default. To make a slide more elegant, we can use the Text Direction function to change its layout. · Text DirectionTake the first slide of this presentation as an example. Here is a horizontal text. 1. Click the text to jump to the Text Tools tab, click the Text Direction drop-down button, and we can select Vertical.For a presentation document, text and text boxes are inseparable and interactional, so we can m....
How to insert Page Break in WPS Spreadsheet
00:48How to insert Page Break in WPS Spreadsheet
When we want to print a table but do not want to print all the contents on one page, we can Insert a Page Break to break the table into different pages. First, click the Page Layout tab. Click the Page Break Preview button to enter the Page Break Preview mode, where we can see only one page.Select a cell in the page break preview state and click Insert Page Break to generate split lines on the top and left of the selected cell. Now the table is split into four pages. If we select one r....
How to set slide transitions in WPS Presentation
01:59How to set slide transitions in WPS Presentation
Appropriate transitions make slides more professional and attractive. So how can we set transitions when creating a Presentation document? Click the slide that we want to add transition animations, and click Transitions.WPS Office provides us with multiple slide transitions, such as Morph, Wipe, Push, Cube, Airplane and so on.Having selected the desired transition, click Effect Options to set the orientation and transition mode of the animation.We can apply it with one click. If we th....
Use text tools to format paragraphs layout quickly
01:37Use text tools to format paragraphs layout quickly
When you use WPS Document, have you ever encountered the situation that you need to reformat after copying text into a document? The Text Tools in WPS Document can help us to format paragraph layout more efficiently. Now we are going to show you how we can use text tools to quickly format paragraphs. Take this press release as an example. We can see that the layout of the text is really messy. So how can we use Text Tools to quickly format the paragraphs? When encountering this kind of....
How to print the notes in PDF
01:21How to print the notes in PDF
We may add notes to important content when reading a PDF document. Do you know how to print them out?Take this document as an example. We have added several notes on the page. 1. Click Menu and click Print.2. On the right of the pop-up dialog, select Document and Note Contents in the "Print content" drop-down button.3. Then the marks of notes are displayed in the preview window. However, we still fail to print out the contents in the text boxes. What can we do? There are two methods fo....
How to split sheets quickly
01:26How to split sheets quickly
In WPS Spreadsheets, there are two ways of splitting sheets: Split Sheets By Content and Split Books By Sheet. First, Split Sheets By Content.Take this table as an example. We want to split this table into multiple sheets by month. Click the Data tab, click the Split Sheet drop-down button and select Split Sheets By Content. The default Split area is the whole table. Check My data has headers to make the split sheets have titles. Since we want to split the table by month, we select "Mo....
How to highlight the content of a PDF file
02:04How to highlight the content of a PDF file
When reading the PDF file, we sometimes may encounter some critical text content. To facilitate our reading, we can highlight the needed text. Today, we will show you how to use the highlighting feature of the PDF. Take this PDF file as an example. Click the Comment tab, then click the Highlight drop-down menu. Here, select the color we like, then the selected text will be highlighted.If we want to highlight an area, we can use the area highlighting feature. Click the Highlight Area dr....
How to create a scatter chart in WPS Spreadsheet
02:53How to create a scatter chart in WPS Spreadsheet
A scatter chart in WPS Spreadsheet is normally called an X-Y graph. It presents all the data as points on rectangular coordinates, showing the relationships between variables. The scatter plot is a great graphical tool that we often use for statistical modelling. Take this table as an example. This is a set of height and weight data of boys and girls. If we want to observe the relationship between the two variables: height and weight, with the help of a scatter chart, how can we do tha....