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Custom sorting in WPS Spreadsheet
Uploaded time: August 27, 2021 Difficulty Beginner
Custom sorting in WPS Spreadsheet

Custom sorting in WPS Spreadsheet
We often need to sort the data to organize the table in our work, so how can we sort the data in a table?
Take this table as an example. We want to sort the Overall result of this table from largest to smallest.
1. Select the cell range in the Overall result column, and click the Home tab, then click the Sort drop-down button.
2. Select Descending in the drop-down menu, and then select these two options Expand the selection and Continue with the current selection in the pop-up Sort Warning dialog box.
3. Continue with the current selection means that only the data in the column we selected will be sorted.Click this option.Then we will find that the data in this column is sorted from largest to smallest, and there is no change in other columns.
4. Select Expand the selection and clicks. We will find the data of all rows in the table is changed according to the Overall Results column.
WPS Spreadsheet also supports custom sorting, which means the data can be sorted not only by value, but also by cell color and font color.
If we want to put the cells filled with yellow at the top of the table and put the cells with red font color at the bottom, we can customize the sorting of the table.
1. Select the cell range that needs to be sorted.
2. Click the Custom Sort in the Sort drop-down Button.
3. Since we want to sort the cells filled with yellow, select Column E for Sort by, select Cell Color for Sort on, select yellow and On Top for Order.
4. Then we click the Add Level button.
5. Select Column G in Then by, select Cell Color in Sort on, select red and On Bottom in Order.
6. After we finish setting, click OK.
We can seethe cell row filled with yellow is at the top of the table, and the cell row with red font color is at the bottom of the table.
To be office excel advancers, we could learn how to use WPS Office Spreadsheet online in WPS Academy.
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