195 results for merge two jpg files into one pdf
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195 results for merge two jpg files into one pdf
How to merge and split PDF files
01:25How to merge and split PDF files
WPS PDF could help edit PDF files and freely convert between PDF and Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and JPG files online. When editing PDF files, we often need to merge multiple PDF files or split a PDF file. So how can we do that?· Merge PagesTake this file as an example. When we need to merge multiple PDF files into one, click the Page tab, then click Merge Page. Now the WPS PDF to Word Converter dialog box will pop up. Click the Add files button in the upper right corner and select other ....
More features in Split and Merge
04:37More features in Split and Merge
In our daily work, we often need to split or merge worksheets.Most people use an easy way of copying and pasting, but it is a waste of time. In Microsoft Excel, we may need plug-ins, VBA or Power Query, etc., to split or merge workbooks.For convenience, WPS Spreadsheets provides the function of splitting and merging workbooks. First, let's learn about the splitting function. WPS Office provides three ways of splitting.· Split Sheets By ContentTake this workbook as an example, which....
More features in Split or Merge
02:26More features in Split or Merge
Sometimes we may need to split or merge documents when creating presentations. So how can we do that? In Microsoft PowerPoint1. To merge the editing PowerPoint with new slides, we can enter the "Home" tab, click ”New Slide," and click "Reuse Slides." Select a desired PowerPoint document on the right to insert it.2. In this way, only one document can be inserted at a time, and multiple documents require repeated operations to be merged.3. Besides, Microsoft PowerPoint doesn't suppor....
How to use Merge Shapes in WPS Presentation
02:45How to use Merge Shapes in WPS Presentation
Merge Shapes is an important function in WPS Presentation. By using it skillfully, you can also create slides that have a strong sense of design.In short, based on the Boolean operation, Merge Shapes is the process of adding and subtracting two or more graphics. Select two or more graphics on the slide, and click the Drawing Tool tab and the Merge Shapes drop-down button.In the drop-down menu, we can see there are five options. They are Union, Combine, Fragment, Intersect and Subtract.....
Create 100 recruitment notices in batches
02:33Create 100 recruitment notices in batches
Here are one hundred profiles of new employees, which need to be made into recruitment notices. If you are the HR of this company, how would you do that? The Mail Merge function allows you to handle these 100 notices easily. Take this document as an example. We need to input employees' names, entry time, department, position, and salary.1. Open the table that contains the information of new employees. 2. The information of the five columns will be inserted as Merge Fields. For conv....
How to make conference table cards in batches
02:58How to make conference table cards in batches
Making conference table cards is a necessary skill for civilian staff. Today we will learn about how to make double-sides conference tables. Step 1. Create a single table.First of all, click the Page layout tab, and set the page layout to Landscape.To make the table more exquisite, we have inserted a two-column, one-row table and a background image into the document in advance.Now, we can choose the desired WordArt effect and add it to the appropriate position in the cells on both side....
How to convert slides into pictures
02:48How to convert slides into pictures
You will be the amazing reporter with WPS Presentation, which could be an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint. When making WPS presentation documents, what should I do if I want to convert slides into pictures in batches and save them? Take this file as an example. Click the Tools tab, then click Export to Picture. Now a dialogue box will pop up. Here, we can customize the converted picture, such as Watermark, Pages, Quality, and so on. We can choose to output By Page or output Long pi....
How to merge and split files
08:21How to merge and split files
This lesson focuses on sharing common methods of merging and splitting files1. WPS Spreadsheet has 6 different merging methods, you can merge different worksheets into the same workbook, or merge different workbooks into the same workbook, and support the merging of worksheets with the same name. 2. “Merge range data” can select two regions and use the same value between them to find, just like a function, but more simple than a function. 3.WPS Spreadsheet has 3 different split methods....