223 results for insert gif animation in powerpoint
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223 results for insert gif animation in powerpoint
How to insert a GIF into slides in WPS Presentation
1. After we open a slide in WPS Presentation, we first click select the slide we want to insert a GIF into. 2. Then click the Insert tab, and click the Picture button.3. Now select the GIF we want to insert in this popup window and click the OK button below.4. We can click the slide show from current button in the status bar below, and then we can view the GIF in our presentation.This skill could be compatible with Microsoft Office powerpoint.
How to make an object disappear after animation in WPS Office Powerpoint
Welcome to WPS Official Academy! Are you looking for practical skills used to design an artistic PPT? After reading this free tutorial, you will master how to make an object disappear after animation in WPS Office Powerpoint. When we elaborate PPT slides, the animation function plays an important role in making the ideas clear and attracting the audience's attention.Click here to check how to add PPT animations in WPS Presentation. After displaying an object, how can we make it dis....
How to insert Special Characters in PowerPoint
1. Open the Word document and place the cursor where we want to insert special characters.2. Click the Insert tab → the Symbol drop-down button → More Symbols. Then the Symbol dialog will pop up.3. Click the Special Characters tab. In the Characters area, we can see that there are many special symbols, such as Copyright, Registered, Trademark and so on.4. Select one of the special characters. For example. We select Copyright here. And, we click the Insert tab. Then, the copyright symbo....
How to insert theta symbol in PowerPoint
· Option 1:1. Place the cursor where we want to insert theta symbol.2. Click the Insert tab → the Symbol drop-down button → More Symbols.3. In the pop-up dialog, choose Symbol in the Font drop-down list.Click the theta symbol in the area below and click the Insert button to add the theta symbol into the slide.4. After inserting the theta symbol, click the Close button to close the dialog. · Note:If we want to insert theta symbol again later, we can click the Insert tab → the Symbol dro....
How to insert a table in WPS Presentation
01:47How to insert a table in WPS Presentation
When creating a presentation in WPS Office, sometimes we need to insert a table for data demonstration. How can we realize it? Take this PowerPoint as an example. Get into the Insert tab and click the Table dropdown menu. Then drag the cursor to decide the table size. This method allows us to create a table with 10 columns and 10 rows at maximum. If we want to insert a bigger table, choose Insert Table. In the Insert Table dialog, we can decide the numbers of columns and rows. Enter t....
How to insert and set a text box
01:44How to insert and set a text box
When using WPS Presentation, we often need to edit text content in the text box. So how can we insert a text box? First, click the Insert tab above and click the Text Box drop-down button. Here, we can choose to insert a Horizontal Text Box or a Vertical Text Box. This video of How to insert and set a text box will only take the horizontal text box as an example, which could be compatible with Microsoft Office powerpoint. Click Horizontal Text Box and then long-press the left mouse but....
More features in Split or Merge
02:26More features in Split or Merge
Sometimes we may need to split or merge documents when creating presentations. So how can we do that? In Microsoft PowerPoint1. To merge the editing PowerPoint with new slides, we can enter the "Home" tab, click ”New Slide," and click "Reuse Slides." Select a desired PowerPoint document on the right to insert it.2. In this way, only one document can be inserted at a time, and multiple documents require repeated operations to be merged.3. Besides, Microsoft PowerPoint doesn't suppor....
More features in Screenshot
02:04More features in Screenshot
WPS Writer is easy to use as Microsoft Word. Both WPS Presentation and Microsoft PowerPoint have the Screenshot function. What is the difference between them? In Microsoft PowerPoint, two methods are available. One is Available Windows, which means taking screenshots through the opened windows on our desktop; the other is Screen Clipping, requiring us to manually capture the size of screenshots. In WPS Presentation, we can enter the Insert tab and click the Screenshot drop-down button.....