There are 3 free training classes of how to use office suite for undefined
How to make video play automatically in PowerPoint
1. Click the video and get into the Video Tools tab.2. In the Start area, select Automatically in the box.3. Click the Slide Show from Current, or use the shortcut Shift+F5 to start the slide show from the current slide.4. Then we can make video play automatically in PowerPoint. You will be the amazing reporter with WPS Presentation, which could be an alternative to Microsoft PowerPoint.
How to put video in PowerPoint
1. Select the slide that we want to insert a video in.2. Click the Insert tab → the Movie drop-down button → the Local Video option.3. In the pop-up Insert Movie window, we select the video we want to insert, and click the OK button. Now, we have put this video in PowerPoint.4. By dragging the small white dots around the video, we can change the size of the video display. Then, we can place the video where we want by clicking the left-mouse button and dragging the video.5. We can clic....
Remove background music or audio inserted in slides
· Option 1: 1. Right-click the audio icon.2. Click Delete Object.3. Choose Yes in the popup prompt box. · Option 2: 1. Left-click the audio icon.2. Press Backspace or Delete on the keyboard.3. Choose Yes in the popup prompt box.WPS Office Suite is a high-performance and reliable office suite designed to protect data and information for both PC and mobile office software users.
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