There are 8 free training tutorials of how to use office suite for undefined
How to use the Latest Spell Check
When editing documents, it's hard for us to find varieties of mistakes in details, such as the spelling errors caused by quick typing, the extra spaces or missing hyphens due to lack of standard writing. In workplace, your boss won't allow you to make these little mistakes! Today we're going to introduce the feature that 80% of copywriters can't live without ,and it's worth mentioning that WPS Office has recently upgraded the spell check function with a cleaner inte....
A simple guide to convert PDF to Word by using OCR
How to convert free OCR PDF to word. Keyword: Free OCR PDF to word. A PDF to Word converter is just one of the many tools that are frequently needed for OCR operations to convert between formats. Normally, a text-based PDF can be searched and edited right out of the box. What if, though, your original PDF contained nothing but digital text, an image, or a photograph of handwritten notes? In this case, finding or changing information requires first converting it to a text-based format. ....
Clear Formatting for Text Contents in Word Documents
1. Select the text contents that we need to clear formatting. 2. Click Home → the eraser icon (which stands for Clear Formatting in WPS Writer)No matter you are students, teachers or business professionals, can create and edit documents efficiently by WPS Writer as text editors. Easy to use as Microsoft Word.
How to open Ms Word on Computer step-by-step
In this article, we will learn about how to open Ms Word on computer step-by-step.
Simple CV word templates
Download simple doc free CV form word templates A CV is an important tool. A professional cannot be hired in the majority of professional contexts without sending their CV to the company or position they are applying for. The simple CV word templates come with a printable guide that outlines everything you need to do to correctly construct your resume and are accessible and simple to use. We've tried to condense some of the top CV word templates that can increase productivity in o....
Online PDF to Word converter with OCR function
Online PDF to word converter OCR. Keyword: Online PDF to word converter OCR. A PDF to Word converter is one of the many tools frequently needed for OCR operations to convert between formats. Usually, a text-based PDF can be searched for and edited right away. What if, though, your original PDF contained nothing but digital text, an image, or a photograph of handwritten notes? In this case, finding or changing information requires first converting it to a text-based format. OCR, which d....
Free OCR to Word converter software
Free OCR to word converter software What can be done to make OCR files into Word docs simpler and faster? This differs from a standard Word-to-OCR converter, which reduces the file size. You may convert OCR files to Word without losing quality using the program shown below. Additionally, the converting procedure works well and takes up little room on your device. A fantastic tool for converting OCR to Word on iPad, iPhone, Windows, and Ios is the WPS OCR to word converter software. The....
How to convert jpg to Word by using an OCR converter
How to convert JPG to word by using an OCR converter? The WPS office software called OCR is used to convert JPG to word. What is the OCR tool in WPS Office, and what do its functions do? When using Word or Excel in WPS Office, optical character recognition, or OCR, is a technology that can extract text from photographs. Being able to understand the text of an image is helpful when it has a lot of words. The OCR capability has three main applications. The WPS Office uses the OCR functio....
Relate tags of office software WPS
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