There are 8 free training courses of how to use office suite for undefined
How to Center Text in WPS Writer - A Step-By-Step Guide
Learn to center text in WPS Writer with easy methods. Make your documents visually appealing with WPS Office - a free, user-friendly solution in 2023.
How to Fade a Picture in PowerPoint (Step-By-Step Guide)
Master the art of fading a picture with transparency in PowerPoint in 2023 and discover the power of WPS Office for enhanced presentations.
How to Reduce Space Between Words in WPS Writer (Step-by-Step)
This is a step-by-step guide. Learn how to optimize word spacing in WPS Writer for sleek documents in 2023.
How to activate and stop Automatic Numbering in Word?
By default, if you enter a number at the beginning of your text, the system will automatically assign numbers for the following text. In some cases, however, those numbers are unwanted guests. So how can we activate and stop automatic numbering? · To activate Automatic Numbering: Type a number followed by a period (like 1. or 2. ) according to your needs in the texts. Press the Enter key and the rest of your text will be assigned with numbers at the beginning of each paragraph. By doin....
How to insert WordArt in Word?
1. Open your word document, and select the text to which you want to apply WordArt. 2. Click the Home tab, and click the Text Effects drop-down button in the toolbar. Then click the WordArt option, you have multiple styles for choice. You can apply any of them with one click. For all, easy your work with WPS office suite. Free download WPS Office for PC, Mobile, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS online.
How to set hanging indentation in word?
1. Open your word document, and select the paragraph that you want to be indented.2. Click the Home tab, click the Settings drop-down button and click Paragraph to get a pop-up dialog. 3. In the Indentation area, we select Hanging in the Special drop-down list, and enter the distance in the By box. You can preview the indent effect in the Preview area below. Then click OK. WPS office software could be compatible with Microsoft Office, and these training contents help students or home ....
How to set double spacing in Word?
There are two methods for you.Option 1:Select the paragraphs that you want to set, click Home and click the Line Spacing drop-down button. Click 2.0 in the drop-down list. Option 2:1. Select the paragraphs that you want to set, click Home → Settings → Paragraph. 2. In the pop-up dialog, select Double in the Line Spacing drop-down list and click OK. WPS office software could be compatible with Microsoft Office, and these training contents help students or home workers finish their w....
How to change the color of a specified character in WPS Writer?
1. Open the document and click Home → Find and Replace → Replace. 2. Type the specified character in the Find what: blank, and type the same content in the Replace with: blank.3. Click Format → Font → Font color, and you can select a color as you need. Then Click Replace All → OK → Close. For all, easy your work with WPS office suite. Free download WPS Office for PC, Mobile, Windows, Mac, Android, iOS online.
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