There are 5 free training skills of how to use office suite for undefined
The RAND Function in Excel
WPS Spreadsheet could be an alternative to Microsoft Office Excel. It includes 100's of built-in formulas, pivot tables, and more. · Description:With Rand Function, you can return a random number between 0 and 1, and each time you recalculate them, they will return new values. · syntax:RAND( ) · ArgumentsNo arguments for the RAND function. · Example:1. Open your table in WPS Spreadsheet.2. Select a blank cell where you want to add a random number. Click the Formulas tab > Insert F....
The SUMIF function in Excel
The SUMIF function is used to sum several cells based on a specified condition. Take this sales table as an example. We want to sum the sales of Beijing. 1. Click the cell where you want to insert the total sales, click Formulas > Insert Function to get a dialog.2. Enter SUMIF in the Search for a function text box and click OK to pop up another dialog. 3. Click the select icon in Range area, and then select the cell range which contains the condition. Here we select the cells A2:A10.....
How To Get An Average: A Comprehensive Guide
Learn about the complexities of averages. From basics to intricate concepts, this guide on how to get an average offers a thorough understanding.
The COUNTA function in excel
In WPS Spreadsheet, the COUNTA function can help us count the amount of cells left non-empty. · The COUNTA function:=COUNTA(value1, [value2], ...) · Use the COUNTA function for total attendance:In the following example, we use the COUNTA function to calculate total attendance. 1. Enter the formula =COUNTA(C5:C11)2. Press Enter to get the result. As we can see, since 4 cells in total are filled with '√', the result is '4', with the empty cells skipped.Use the COUNTA func....
How to use the SUM function
· Option 1:1. Select the cell range with data to sum up. 2. Click Formula → AutoSum You can also use the SUM function for multiple rows at the same time. · Option 2: 1. Choose the cell for sum up result.2. Input =SUM(B2:E2) .3. Press Enter on the keyboard.* If you want to get the rest of the results quickly, place the cursor at the down-right corner of F2 until symbol “+” present. Then, change the selected range with the mouse. To be office excel advanced, you could learn how to use W....
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